Blowing Filling Capping combiblock

In the process of the application of Blowing Filling Capping combiblock liquid filling machine is too excessive, bottlenecks and inaccurate, filling the air filling all kinds of problems, such as liquid filling machine filling effect and packaging quality of final product.
1. The liquid filling machine filling pressure effect on the filling effect. Because the wine contains saturated solubility of carbon monoxide gas, the gas occur in the process of fermentation, the CO2 solubility in the wine as wine and change the temperature and pressure.
2. In the process of filling, the cylinder pressure for liquid filler Blowing Filling Capping combiblock filling effect cannot be ignored. Pressure is too low, if the bottle without pressure, can lead to bad sealing, easy to cause the leakage sparkling wine, wine not satisfied; But if the pressure is too large, the bottle drops will vibrate, it is easy to form. 3. The filling machine water quality requirements, if we want to avoid precipitation, we should rather than untreated hard water with water.
4. Solid feints loss rate in filling machine, water bottling line solid feints not only contains a certain amount of alcohol molecules, also contain rich aroma substances. Liquid is an effective way to improve the quality of ordinary liquid. But the liquid fat content high, easy to cause loss of gloss, turbidity and precipitate at low temperature. So winter corresponding measures should be taken when using tail wine. Using liquid tail lower quality is not so easy.
5. Solid liquid filling machine production needs strict segmentation. Distilling the tail should be paid attention to, don"t pull the tail too long, and keep a certain amount of storage. Otherwise not only can make the liquid mixture, but also can make the liquid turbidity precipitation.